I got sent to St. Thomas to help the on-site representative of the other Architect who is involved with the construction of the St. Thomas Mental Health Building for St. Joseph's London Hospital.
I went down before lunch to do a walk around the site. Most people walk around the solid areas of the site and take what pictures you can see from there. David decided that he should take pictures from the top of the dirt piles around the construction excavation. I followed David partway up the hills. That was enough! He took a large step that I couldn't match and my foot went down, down, down. I ended up with one leg sunk upto my knee in the mud. David pulled me out and I kept my boot on - though it weighed about five pounds more when it came out. Hopefully I won't end up in that deep again. All the guys on site kept saying "Oh you found the soft spot eh"
Took my safety training today and I will be going to St. Thomas at least twice a week for the next while. Just have to keep away from the soft spots.
Glad you were able to get out of your mess....